Today, I have a truly inspiring story from my special guest, Jessica Graves. And I really mean it when I say special guest. Jessica and I have been friends for a long time. I’ve been watching her as she’s been building her empire and crushing her goals, and she’s been watching me at the same […]
Did you know over 70% of coaches find it hard to draw in new clients? Success in coaching often hinges on mindset, not just skills or experience. Before you ask, no this is not another one of those posts where I tell you that if you just stick with it and stay positive that you’ll […]
Welcome back to Crafted Entrepreneur! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s essential for everyone: your wealth. I’m excited to share one of my favorite daily exercises that has consistently helped me multiply my money. Let’s explore how you can establish a solid foundation for your financial mindset and take actionable steps toward true financial […]